LEGO Snake, Spider, Scorpion Figures and Other Critters

Another up-to-date article? Right, let’s finish this, then! Besides, it’s almost over. Water animals, dinosaurs, fantastic creatures… and we’re done! Today, we’ll take a closer look at LEGO snake, frog, chameleon, lizard, spider, insect and scorpion figures. DUPLO figures and guest Belville accessories included!

LEGO Horse Figures

Welcome to our third up-to-date animal article! Horses are one of the oldest LEGO animals, in fact they’re the oldest land animals. LEGO DUPLO horse figures were released in 1979, System ones were released in 1984. They’ve appeared in different sizes, different colors and of course in different themes, and …

LEGO Dog Figures

We’ve taken a look at cats, now it’s time for dogs. Just like cats, LEGO dog figures went under significant changes throughout the years. There are also a significant number of dog species that have been LEGOfied. In this article, you’ll find all the dog figures ever released, including Bellville, …

LEGO Cat Figures

Welcome to the updated LEGO cat figures article, where you can find all cats ever produced in LEGO form; big, small, old, new, if it’s made, it’s here. Of course there may be a few I don’t know about, but if it’s announced officially, there’s a good chance you’ll find …

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