Here’s another up-to-date animal article! Today, we’ll start with LEGO rabbit (or bunny, if you prefer) figures, continue with mice, rats, hamsters and squirrels, and close up with the remaining small mammals. Let’s begin if you’re ready.
Just like in the other animal articles, this article includes animals from DUPLO and other themes as well (if any exists). New ones will be added as they are released.
The name of the colors used here are the Bricklink colors. To see a better image of the color, please visit this link, search for the color, and click on its name to go to Rylie Howerter’s Flickr page.
LEGO Rabbit Figures
Although it seems LEGO rabbit figures came into our lives with the Friends theme in 2012, there’s actually another one predating them. Just like cats, dogs and horses, the first rabbit figure was made for the Belville theme in 1999; a white rabbit with orange eyes. Appearing in 9 sets until 2008, it looks huge next to minifigures, just like the other Belville animals.

A white rabbit arrives with the Friends themes in 2012. In 2013, a light bluish gray one is made. In 2018 the mould changes, but it’s not easy to see the difference without putting them next to each other. Every feature looks the same except for their size. This rabbit is made in medium nougat (2018), bright light orange, dark pink, dark turquoise, medium lavender (2021) and sand blue (2023). Except for the crazy-colored ones found in Andrea’s Rabbit Cube (41666), they all have different face prints.

It’s not smart to leave rabbits alone, they reproduce pretty quickly. Same thing goes for their LEGO counterparts. We get our first baby rabbit in 2015, again with the Friends theme. The first one is white, followed by medium nougat in 2017, dark azure, lavender, magenta and pearl gold in 2020, bright light blue, yellow, light aqua and coral in 2021. The latest one is from 2024 in dark orange. Except for the last one, they all share the same face print.

There’s also a dark turquoise baby rabbit using the same mould. It’s Pocky from Sonic the Hedgehog sets, and it’s printing is done accordingly. It has appeared in three sets till now.

We get our first System rabbit with the LEGO CMF 17 series in 2017. In 2021, we see it with a different print in the Spring Lantern Festival set (80107); this time as a toy/ornament and not an animal. Light bluish gray comes out in 2022, medium blue in 2023. The white one appears in 15 sets, the gray in one. The blue rabbit is made for the BAM stands, and hasn’t appeared in any set yet.

There’s another rabbit from 2017, made in light blue with white hair and tail. Berry comes with the Whisker Haven Tales sets, and like the other animals from the theme, its mould is unique.

A magical rabbit joins the family in 2020 with the Harry Potter sets. Its color is glitter trans-light blue, meant to symbolize the Patronus charm. It looks like a hare, with a larger body and longer ears. After two years, it becomes alive and we see it in medium nougat with proper printing. The magical one can be found in one set, while the regular one is in three.

LEGO Mouse, Rat and Hamster Figures
The first mouse (or rat) figure comes with the Harry Potter sets in 2001; in white, light gray and dark gray. Produced until 2018, this animal is also made in light bluish gray, dark bluish gray, brown, reddish brown and glow in dark white. It appears in a total of 74 sets. As far as I understand, there’s a tail difference between the earlier and later versions. I found an image on Bricklink, sharing it below.

The diversity of the sets this mouse appears in is vast. Star Wars, Batman, The Lord of the Rings, City and Castle are just a few of these. To be honest, that doesn’t surprise me. It’s possible to find a mouse in a ship, in a basement, inside a bank vault or in nature.
In 2004, the same mouse (or rat) is made, but this time it’s standing on its hind legs. It only appears in 5 sets, and as you can imagine, they all belong to the Harry Potter theme. Made to represent Scabbers, it’s possible to find it in light and dark bluish gray.

A mouse joins the family in 2016. It’s used both as a mouse and a hamster, and starts its journey in dark orange, tan and light bluish gray. Dark azure, lavender, magenta and pearl gold is added in 2020, black in 2023 and tan (with a different print), sand blue and orange in 2024. While there are small differences between them, their printing is very similar. There is also a bear cub using the same mould, but that one’s in the bear article.

The medium nougat released in 2021 has a different print, resembling a capybara. In 2024, the animal gets its own mould, and we get a dark orange giant hamster :)

Since we’re on the subject of hamsters, I don’t want to leave Hammond out. Even though it’s listed as a minifigure, I think he should be mentioned since he’s a hamster. He was released in 2019 in only one set.

The rat and mouse part ways in 2018. A medium nougat mouse comes with the CMF 18 series, a dark tan rat with Harry Potter sets. The same rat with a different print can only be found in the Harry Potter CMF series, representing Scabbers directly. While the mouse stays in the CMFs, the rat crawls into all kinds of sets; appearing in a total of 20 including sets from The LEGO Movie, Spider-Man, City and Chinese New Year themes. This year, its favorite theme is the Bricklink Designer Program.

We also have a black rat with red eyes, suuuuper scary (not!). It comes with the Dungeons & Dragons CMF series of 2024.

The newest mouse mould belongs to Gus from Cinderella, released in 2021. He has his unique mould, and reflects the character perfectly. In 2023 a light bluish mouse is made using the same mould.

LEGO Hedgehog, Squirrel and Raccoon Figures
A cute hedgehog arrives with Friends sets in 2012. It has a tan body and reddish brown spines, and is released again in 2013, this time with dark brown spines. I’m guessing the second one is a female, judging by its eyelashes. Both appear in 5 sets. The mould is renewed in 2024. If you ask me, this new mould is a great example of how new isn’t always better. It looks like someone stepped on it; the old ones were much better in my opinion. Anyway, this reddish brown hedgehog comes in two sets.

The first squirrel is released with the Friends theme (surprise surprise) in 2013. There are a total of five squirrels in three different colors. Dark orange (2013), bright light yellow (2015) and medium lavender (2017). Another dark orange squirrel is released in 2019, but its eyes are brown and has a different print. The one from 2023 is clearly winking at us.

The first System squirrel is made in 2022. It only has three colors for now, dark orange, light bluish gray and black. Black appears in one, light bluish gray in four and dark orange in 15 sets.

Our first raccoon is Windflower from Whisker Haven Tales, released in 2016. Using a dark azure-blue color combination, its mould is unique like the other animals from the theme. There are three other raccoons released in 2021, 2023 and 2024; all using the same mould. The first has a dark tan & dark brown combination, the second one reddish brown representing Rocket from The Guardians of the Galaxy, and the third light bluish gray & dark bluish gray.

LEGO Fox, Skunk, Otter, Red Panda and Beaver Figures
The first fox is from the Elves theme, released in 2015 in dark red. Dark orange and yellowish green is added in 2016, white in 2023 and reddish orange in 2024. There’s also a Husky using the fox mould (can be found in dogs) and a lynx-like creature (can be found in big cats).
We have a skunk coming with the CMF 15 series in 2016. It has appeared in two more sets after that.

The otter is released in 2020. Just like the hare, it’s first made in glitter trans-light blue to represent the Patronus charm. In 2023, it’s released in reddish brown, this time representing an animal. The Patronus version can be found in one set while the animal version is in two. Fun fact: When I first wrote this article in 2022, neither the hare nor the otter was released as regular animals. I remember writing “We’ll be seeing them soon, now that we have a real reindeer”. I love it when I’m right :)
Otters appear in Friends sets in 2023, too. We have a reddish brown otter coming with two sets, but this time it’s swimming instead of standing.

The beaver is one of the new animals of 2024. It only comes with one Friends set, in reddish brown color. I think it’s very well-designed. The same thing can be said for the red panda appearing in City sets, using the newest color reddish orange. It comes with one City and one Dreamzzz set. Who knows, maybe we’ll get a System raccoon using the same mould.

LEGO DUPLO Rabbit, Squirrel, Fox, Raccoon and Red Panda Figures
LEGO DUPLO rabbit figures are released in 2010. Although they have different colors and prints, it seems they all use the same mould. They come in white, reddish brown, red, light bluish gray and tan. They were last seen in 2022.

The squirrels join in 2015. There are three different squirrels in two colors, light bluish gray and dark orange. These have appeared in sets until 2023.

A fox comes along in 2015. This orange fox shares its mould with a Husky (See: Dogs). It hasn’t been seen since 2016.

A new mould is made in 2022. This mould is used for a fox, a raccoon and a red panda. The fox is orange-white, the raccoon light bluish gray-dark bluish gray-white, and the red panda is dark orange-dark brown-white colored.

Aaand another one bites the dust!
Did I forget about the comparison images? Of course not! Here, you can find a few of them below.
Let’s squeeze in the minifigure counterparts of the mentioned animals, too.
And last, but not the least, a special guest. These are not listed as animals, but I think they deserve to be here: Toy bunnies. The first one is released in 2020 with the CMF 20 series in tan. It has an unprinted tan (2022) and a medium azure (2022) version as well. The azure one comes with the Dreamzzz sets, representing Bunchu.
Right, that’s it for today. Let me know if I missed anything, and I’ll add it.
See you in the next article!
Image sources:
I borrowed the images of animals I didn’t have from Bricklink, New Elementary, Rebrickable, Brick Fanatics, Steinpalast, Hellobricks, Atlbrick, Decotoys and eBay. Windflower and Gus’s screen images are from the Disney Wiki page, capybara from here. The image showing Belville, System and Friends rabbits next to a minifigure was rendered in Bricklink Studio.
Some girls play with Barbie dolls, while others create small worlds with LEGO minifigures and continue to do so when they grow up. You can probably guess which group I belong to :)